102 pages 3 hours read

Carl Hiaasen

Skink—No Surrender

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2014

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-book review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which is the best description of Richard’s sense of humor?

A) Cold and condescending

B) Sarcastic and dark

C) Goofy and childish

D) Dry and intellectual

2. Which is an accurate comparison of Malley’s and Richard’s characters?

A) Malley is more rebellious than Richard.

B) Malley is more fearful than Richard.

C) Richard is more trusting than Malley.

D) Richard is more social than Malley.

3. Which word most clearly applies to Skink’s character?

A) Gullible

B) Nurturing

C) Conformist

D) Eccentric

4. Which description best matches the way the novel portrays the setting of Florida?

A) It is a beautiful and dangerous but also fragile environment.

B) It is a setting where strange and lawless people live.

C) Its beaches and tourist attractions make it a fun place to visit.

D) Its overpopulation makes the coasts crowded and unattractive.

5. What is one thing that Skink, Malley, Richard, and Online Talbo have in common?

A) They are all concerned with preserving the environment.

B) They have all adopted false identities.

C) They are all willing to lie to get what they want.

D) They are all on the run from someone or something.

6. Which creature in the novel most clearly functions as a symbol of the hope that Malley and Richard can achieve their goals?