96 pages 3 hours read

Jennifer A. Nielsen


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2018

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. C (Chapter 11)

2. A (Chapter 8)

3. B (Chapter 12)

4. D (Chapter 17)

5. A (Chapter 27)

6. C (Chapter 31)

7. A (Chapter 39)

8. D (Various chapters)

9. D (Various chapters)

10. A (Various chapters)

Long Answer

1. Answers may vary; examples include how the more experienced Chaya gives Esther tips on how to better conduct resistance work; how Esther’s thoughtfulness (specifically, her insight about the root cause of the ongoing conflict) leads Chaya to understand intolerance as the core problem; how Chaya helps Esther reconcile her inner conflict about engaging in violence against the Nazis; and how Esther opens Chaya’s eyes to the different and equally valid ways in which people can resist oppression. (Various chapters)

2. Answers may vary; examples include the Sabbath meals that Akiva members celebrate at the Draengers’ farm; the concerts that people had been holding in different homes inside the Warsaw Ghetto; the observance of Seder inside the bunkers in Warsaw, right before the fighting begins; and Yitzchak singing inside the bunker as a way to honor and remember the people in the ghetto hospital. (Various chapters)