52 pages 1 hour read

Jo Baker


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

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Essay Topics


Discuss how Longbourn works as a reimagining of Pride and Prejudice, using connections in event, theme, and character. What effect does Jo Baker achieve with her changes? How do the concerns and characters of Longbourn reflect on, develop, or change the themes and messages of Austen’s work?


Trace Sarah’s journey as a character to self-realization and love, then discuss how her love affair is a foil to or reflection of the love affairs of the Bennet sisters. How is Sarah’s romance substantially different, what points are the same, and what do those similarities or differences say about class or romantic conventions, in Austen’s time or now?


Discuss the treatment of marriage in the book as both an economic transaction and a romantic ideal. How do other unions in the book, like Mrs. Hill and Mr. Bennett, or Sarah and James, reflect on this definition of marriage? How and why is love and marriage different across classes?