78 pages 2 hours read

Salman Rushdie

Haroun and the Sea of Stories

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1990

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-4

Reading Check

1. He is a storyteller. (Chapter 1)

2. She stops singing. (Chapter 1)

3. Feathers (Chapter 2)

4. “The End” (Chapter 2)

5. Arabian Nights Plus One (Chapter 3)

6. Butt’s (Chapter 4)

Short Answer

1. In her note, Soraya indicates that she has left Rashid because his head is full of stories that are not true. When Rashid becomes angry, Haroun, too, comments that make-believe stories are pointless. After both his wife and son express skepticism about whether what he does has any value, Rashid finds himself unable to tell his stories. (Chapter 1)

2. When the men take Rashid and Haroun to the bus, they find that there are too many waiting passengers and there will not be room for them on any of the regular passenger buses. It is Haroun who meets the driver of the mail coach, Butt, and secures them seats on the mail coach. (Chapter 2)

3. Haroun comes to the conclusion that they are traveling through the Moody Land that his father has told him about in stories.