
87 pages 2 hours read

Malala Yousafzai

We Are Displaced

Malala YousafzaiNonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | YA | Published in 2018

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. What event caused an extremist organization to gain legitimacy among community members in Swat Valley?

A) An earthquake

B) The burning of electronic devices

C) The establishment of a school for girls

D) The murder of anti-Taliban locals

2. According to the author, what new order did the Taliban make in 2008?

A) For police to execute partisans

B) For girls’ schools in Swat Valley to close

C) For the bodies of enemy combatants to be displayed in the city square

D) For all TV and radio interviews in the area to end

3. What was Yousafzai excited about when she arrived in Shangla?

A) Improvements made by the Taliban

B) Being separated from her family

C) Going to school again

D) Her 13th birthday

4. What was Yousafzai’s last memory before being shot by the Taliban?

A) Talking to friends on the bus

B) Writing about girls’ education on her blog

C) Finding burned cars in the road

D) Evacuating Swat Valley

5. Which best describes how Yousafzai and her family felt in Birmingham?

A) Terrorized and in shock

B) Comfortable and at home

C) Preoccupied with fighting the Taliban

D) Out of place and homesick

6. What literary device does Yousafzai use when she writes, “But I think I knew, even as a twelve-year-old girl, that the home I knew no longer existed except in my dreams”?

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