
53 pages 1 hour read

Scott O'Dell

Thunder Rolling in the Mountains

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1992

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Before You Read

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Super Short Summary

Thunder Rolling in the Mountains by Scott O'Dell follows Sound of Running Feet, a young Nez Perce girl and Chief Joseph's daughter, as she witnesses her people forced to leave their homeland and struggle for survival against white settlers and soldiers. As they seek refuge, the ongoing conflict leads to significant loss and hardship, ultimately culminating in a forced relocation. The narrative includes depictions of violence, death, forced displacement, and implications of non-consensual acts.

Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

Thunder Rolling in the Mountains by Scott O'Dell captivates readers with its poignant storytelling and vivid depiction of the Nez Perce tribe's struggle. Reviewers praise its engaging narrative and cultural sensitivity but note some historical inaccuracies and occasional slow pacing. Overall, it is a compelling read, particularly for young adults interested in Indigenous American history.

Who should read this

Who Should Read Thunder Rolling in the Mountains?

Ideal for young adults, history buffs, and fans of Indigenous American culture, Thunder Rolling in the Mountains by Scott O'Dell offers an engaging blend of historical fiction and rich storytelling. Comparable to Island of the Blue Dolphins and Sing Down the Moon, readers who appreciate these narratives will similarly enjoy this powerful, moving tale.

Book Details



Novel • Fiction


Pacific Northwest • 1870s

Publication Year



Middle grade

Recommended Reading Age

10-14 years

Lexile Level


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