
77 pages 2 hours read

Adam Grant

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2021

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Before You Read

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Super Short Summary

In Think Again, Adam Grant, an organizational psychology professor, argues for the importance of embracing rethinking and unlearning to better understand oneself and the world. He introduces archetypes—preacher, prosecutor, politician, and scientist—and advocates for the scientific approach in decision-making, recognizing that openness to change promotes personal and societal growth. Topics on stereotypes, prejudice, and substance abuse are discussed.

Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

Adam Grant's Think Again is widely praised for its compelling arguments and engaging writing style. Readers appreciate how it challenges them to rethink their assumptions and adopt a more flexible mindset. However, some critics feel it can be repetitive and occasionally lacks depth in certain areas. Overall, it’s a thought-provoking read that encourages intellectual humility.

Who should read this

Who Should Read Think Again?

A reader who enjoys Think Again by Adam Grant is intellectually curious, values lifelong learning, and embraces growth mindsets. They are engaged by titles like Atomic Habits by James Clear and Mindset by Carol Dweck, appreciating research-driven insights for personal and professional development.

Book Details



Book • Nonfiction



Publication Year




Recommended Reading Age

18+ years

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