49 pages 1 hour read

Mike Lupica

The Underdogs

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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The Power of Teamwork for Achieving Goals

The novel conveys the clear message that impressive victories are not won alone. While each player wants a winning season, conflict within a team presents barriers to success. Will and his teammates reach their goal only by learning the value of teamwork and applying what they learn in game situations. The Bulldogs’ win over Castle Rock in the championship indicates how accepting and acknowledging the strengths of team members is necessary to win.

One clear example of how the team’s cooperation results in winning comes through Hannah. While the boys initially harbor stereotypes against girls playing football, the boys come to recognize that she is just as good as them and that in some ways, she may be better. For example, her skill as a kicker is unmatched, giving the team an extra advantage through her particular strengths. It takes strong encouragement from Will—and a subtle ultimatum from his father—for the majority of the team to warm up to Hannah’s involvement. Once her skills are permitted on the field, she proves herself in each game. The way the boys drop their preconceived notions once they see Hannah’s skills demonstrates their commitment to a unified team. The boys’ acceptance of Hannah contributes to their subsequent successes, which shows the importance of respecting all members of a team and defying stereotypes.

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