49 pages 1 hour read

Mike Lupica

The Underdogs

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Chapters 15-21Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary

The team’s boy players are strongly against allowing Hannah to join. In response, Will’s father says he would have felt the same way had a girl attempted to join his high school team. He says he will be available for them to drop off their equipment later and that Will can call New Balance to explain why there will not be a team.

This response catches the boys off guard. Joe explains that Hannah currently thinks she is welcome to play. Since he cannot go back on his word, they have no other choice but to disband the team. He further shares that he has long carried a chip on his shoulder because of the injury that destroyed his football career. Joe observes that Will and his teammates also have chips on their shoulders as a result of losing last year’s championship. Hannah has a chip, too, as a girl who wants to prove her athletic skills. After he points out how Hannah is similar to them, the boys decide they would prefer to give Hannah a chance than to disassemble the team.

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