
87 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sea of Monsters

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Discussion/Analysis Prompt

Throughout the novel, the main characters learn things about themselves that are both helpful and harmful. What is the overall role of self-understanding in The Sea of Monsters? Consider this question as you reflect on the following:

  • What uncomfortable information do Percy and Annabeth learn about themselves?
  • How does this knowledge change each character?
  • How do these learning experiences support the thematic idea that Knowledge Isn’t Always Good for You

Teaching Suggestion: You might ask students to expand on the discussion by analyzing additional characters, such as Tyson and Grover, in the same manner. This would give students the opportunity to compare and contrast the characters on a larger scale. You might also ask students to offer their opinions about whether learning difficult truths is helpful or harmful, at which point they could share the experiences they have had in the past that support their claim.

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