52 pages 1 hour read

James Patterson, Mike Lupica

The House of Wolves

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Before You Read

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Super Short Summary

The House of Wolves by James Patterson and Mike Lupica is a mystery/thriller about Jenny Wolf, a high school football coach who inherits her family's billion-dollar empire following her father's murder; as a suspect herself, Jenny must navigate family tensions and new responsibilities while uncovering the truth. The book includes references to murder, violence, suicide, racism, sexism, and addiction.

Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

The House of Wolves by James Patterson and Mike Lupica delivers a fast-paced narrative blending crime and sports drama. Reviewers appreciate its gripping plot and engaging characters. However, some find the storyline predictable and character development lacking depth. Fans of Patterson will likely enjoy, but it may not win over new readers.

Who should read this

Who Should Read The House of Wolves?

A reader who enjoys The House of Wolves by James Patterson and Mike Lupica is typically a fan of fast-paced thrillers with complex family dynamics and power struggles. Similar readers may enjoy books like The Godfather by Mario Puzo or Sidney Sheldon's Reckless by Tilly Bagshawe for their intricate plotting and suspenseful twists.


Reading Age


Book Details


Mystery / Crime Fiction

Horror / Thriller / Suspense Fiction




Relationships: Family

Values/Ideas: Justice & Injustice

Values/Ideas: Trust & Doubt