59 pages 1 hour read

Henry James

The Golden Bowl

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1904

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Essay Topics


What is the relationship between marriage and love in The Golden Bowl? How is this relationship complicated by deep love that exists outside of marriage? Trace this theme through the relationships between Adam and Maggie and Amerigo and Charlotte.


To what extent are the characters in the novel in thrall to the demands of social etiquette in Edwardian Britain? In what ways do the characters throw caution to the wind regarding etiquette? Consider Charlotte; does she openly challenge etiquette, and if so, where?


Trace the golden bowl as a symbol by comparing and contrasting Amerigo, Charlotte, and Maggie’s reactions to the bowl. How does Maggie reclaim her marriage by purchasing the bowl, and what is the significance of its breaking? How does its breaking affect Amerigo in particular?

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