
78 pages 2 hours read

Betty Ren Wright

The Dollhouse Murders

Betty Ren WrightFiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1983

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-3

Reading Check

1. Family (Chapter 1)

2. A dollhouse (Chapter 2)

3. Chicago (Chapter 3)

Short Answer

1. Amy’s parents have put her in charge of caring for her younger sister, Louann, who has a developmental disability. Amy is afraid Ellen will no longer want to be friends with her because of the difficulty of caring for Louann. For example, when Amy and Ellen are at the mall, Louann wanders off, forcing Amy and Ellen to go and search for her. Amy’s concerns may be supported when Ellen informs Amy she is no longer able to picnic with her because of visiting family, which Amy interprets as a made-up excuse. (Chapter 1)

2. Louann has a developmental disability and wanders away from Amy and Ellen while they are in the mall to watch a puppet show. Later, in a flower shop, Louann knocks over and accidentally breaks a tulip plant. The shop owner becomes angry with Amy and Louann. (Chapter 1)

Chapters 4-6

Reading Check