
78 pages 2 hours read

Betty Ren Wright

The Dollhouse Murders

Betty Ren WrightFiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1983

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Essay Questions

Use these essay questions as writing and critical thinking exercises for all levels of writers, and to build their literary analysis skills by requiring textual references throughout the essay.

Differentiation Suggestion: For English learners or struggling writers, strategies that work well include graphic organizers, sentence frames or starters, group work, or oral responses.

Scaffolded Essay Questions

Student Prompt: Write a short (1-3 paragraph) response using one of the bulleted outlines below. Cite details from the text over the course of your response that serve as examples and support.

1. One of the major themes in The Dollhouse Murders is the idea that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.

  • What are some of Amy’s strengths and weaknesses? (topic sentence)
  • Explain why Amy’s strengths ultimately make up for her weaknesses.
  • In your concluding sentence or sentences, explain how the author shows Amy’s emotional growth as she overcomes her weaknesses.

2. Amy and Aunt Clare make many mistakes and jump to many conclusions throughout the story.

  • What mistaken assumptions are made by Amy and Aunt Clare in the novel? (topic sentence)
  • Explain the mistaken conclusions that are drawn by both Amy and Aunt Clare. Then explain how those conclusions create problems for Amy and Aunt Clare.
  • In your concluding sentence or sentences, explain the lessons that can be learned from Amy and Aunt Clare’s mistakes.
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