43 pages 1 hour read

Rick Riordan

The Chalice of the Gods

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2023

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Embracing the Passage of Time

The Chalice of the Gods takes place during a transitional period in Percy Jackson’s life. He is in his final year of high school, and his future is uncertain. He has already saved the world several times while also attempting to keep up with his schoolwork. Now, as he tries to decide what comes next, he wishes he could take a break from supernatural interventions and attacks. If things slowed down, growing into an adult would be less daunting. Percy expects to attend New Rome University with Annabeth, but that future will only come to pass if he can graduate from high school and get three divine recommendation letters. This book and its two sequels cover Percy’s attempt to build the future he wants despite much uncertainty.

On his adventures, Percy meets several characters who refuse to accept the passage of time. Ganymede could have aged like a normal human, but Zeus brought him to Olympus and made him immortal. Even though Ganymede is miserable on Olympus, he fears the passage of time and will do anything to maintain his immortal status. The people who frequent Hebe Jeebies are similarly resistant to aging. They rely on nostalgia and Hebe’s powers to reverse their ages.

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