The Adventures of Ulysses
- Genre: Fiction; young adult mythology retelling
- Originally Published: 1969
- Reading Level/Interest: Lexile 860L; grades 8-11
- Structure/Length: 16 chapters plus prologue; approx. 192 pages; approx. 6 hours, 32 minutes on audio
- Protagonist and Central Conflict: Evslin’s retelling follows Greek warrior and hero Ulysses as he struggles against vengeful gods, strange monsters, and temptation and vice in his quest to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
- Potential Sensitivity Issues: Violence; death
CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Unit:
- The Hero’s Purpose in Greek Mythology and Today
- The Wisdom of Determination
- Flawed Gods and Foolish People
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Unit, students will:
- Explore background information on symbolism, allegory, the hero’s journey, and life in ancient Greece to increase their engagement with and understanding of The Adventures of Ulysses.
- Read/study paired texts and other brief resources to deepen their understanding of themes related to The Hero’s Purpose in Greek Mythology and Today, The Wisdom of Determination, and Flawed Gods and Foolish People.
- Demonstrate their understanding of plot and theme in The Adventures of Ulysses by evaluating artistic representations of three of Ulysses’s adventures.
- Analyze the significance of various elements of the novel, such as characterization, symbolism, and archetypal structure, and construct essay responses tying these to the novel’s meaning.