
52 pages 1 hour read

Bobbie Pyron


Bobbie PyronFiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2011

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Authorial Context: Bobbie Pyron

Bobbie Pyron is an American author who writes for younger readers. While she has written multiple books, she came into writing later in life—she has had multiple jobs in the past, including as a singer in a rock and roll band, harvesting gladiolas on a flower farm, training dogs, working in a bookstore, and finally, as a librarian for three decades before writing her first book (“About Me.” Bobbie Pyron).

Pyron’s books are exclusively directed toward younger readers because she is interested in exploring the lives and experiences of children and teenagers, especially with regard to identity. Pyron believes children are more “honest with their passions, their fears, their dream” and enjoys mirroring this honesty in her writing (“Q&A with Dogs of Winter Author Bobbie Pyron.” Cracking the Cover.). This is seen in Stay; a large portion of the book is narrated through Piper’s perspective in first-person voice, offering an intimate view of the world through a 12-year-old’s eyes. Piper grapples with the same questions Pyron sees others her age grappling with, including identity, belonging, and a need for community. These feed into the book’s interest in blurred text
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