Nonfiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018
Novel • Nonfiction
Europe • 1940s
8-12 years
Britannica Kids' article on refugees discusses individuals forced to flee their country due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters. It explains the reasons behind their displacement, the challenges they face, and the support they may receive from international organizations. The article highlights the importance of providing aid and understanding their plight.
Refugee by Britannica Kids is widely praised for its engaging and educational storytelling that appeals to young readers. Reviewers appreciate its ability to foster empathy and understanding of global refugee experiences. However, some critics note that the complexity of the topic may require guidance from adults for younger audiences. Overall, it is a valuable addition to educational resources.
Readers who appreciate Refugee by Britannica Kids will likely be school-aged children who have enjoyed books such as The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Raúf and Inside Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai. These readers are interested in empathetic stories about resilience and the refugee experience.
Novel • Nonfiction
Europe • 1940s
8-12 years
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