
86 pages 2 hours read

Neil Gaiman

Norse Mythology

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2017

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Answer Key

Stories 1-4

Reading Check

1. Ragnarok (Story 1)

2. An enormous hornless cow (Story 1)

3. Ash (Story 2)

4. A drink from Mimir’s well (Story 3)

5. Her hair (Story 4)

Short Answer

1. They kill Ymir to create the universe from his being. (Story 1)

2. Asgard is the home of the Aesir gods and is where they hold their daily council. (Story 2)

3. During Ragnarok, Heimdall is to blow the horn to wake the gods. (Story 3)

4. He intends to get them to create hair from gold to replace Sif’s stolen locks. (Story 4)

5. Brokk can cut off Loki’s head, but only if he can accomplish this without harming Loki’s neck. (Story 4)

Stories 5-8

Reading Check

1. Loki (Story 5)

2. A serpent (Story 6)

3. His hammer/ Mjolnir (Story 7)

4. The way Thor eats (Story 7)

5. Saliva (Story 8)

Short Answer

1. He wants to marry Freya and own the moon and sun.

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