
86 pages 2 hours read

Neil Gaiman

Norse Mythology

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2017

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the book’s thematic motifs is most clearly supported by Surtr waiting in Muspell for his role in Ragnarok before the gods have even been created?

A) Some prophecies are self-fulfilling.

B) Bound monsters will inevitably escape.

C) Fate is unavoidable.

D) Great gifts require great sacrifice.

2. Which of the gods is least predictable?

A) Odin

B) Thor

C) Loki

D) Frey

3. Which of the gods is the wisest?

A) Kvasir

B) Loki

C) Tyr

D) Balder

4. Which of the following incidents best demonstrates that sometimes an important benefit can come from Loki’s meddling and trickery?

A) The acquisition of poetry

B) The creation of Kvasir

C) The birth of Jormungandr

D) The creation of Mjolnir

5. Which of the following incidents best demonstrates the tragic irony of Odin’s fate?

A) His sacrifice of an eye

B) His binding of Fenrir

C) His hanging from the world tree

D) His seduction of Gunnlod

6. Which goddess do the gods try to trade away in marriage in return for things they want in multiple stories?

A) Freya

B) Sigyn

C) Sif

D) Frigg

7. Which of the book’s thematic motifs is most clearly supported by Ymir’s fate?

A) Some prophecies are self-fulfilling.

B) Bound monsters will inevitably escape.

C) Fate is unavoidable.

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