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Saturday is Ariane’s husband’s favorite day. Ariane hates red Saturday, since it suggests dinner plans with friends and activities with children. She prefers the routine of weekdays. This weekend is also their daughter’s birthday, which means Ariane has a party to plan. She wonders when one can stop throwing birthday parties for children.
When Ariane goes into the bathroom to take a shower, her husband steps in, sitting on the bathtub. He talks about his work week as Ariane showers, apparently unaffected by her nudity. Later, at breakfast, he suggests they call Zoe to babysit that evening and go out for a movie. A shocked Ariane drops her jam-smeared toast; the movie her husband suggests is about a man’s extramarital affair. Ariane does not want her husband to watch such a movie, lest it give him ideas. She tells her husband that they don’t have the time to go to the movie theater as they have to plan their daughter’s party.
Lucie meets Ariane at the tennis club for their customary Saturday morning game. Although Ariane likes the physical aspect of the game, she does not enjoy competition, so she lets Lucie win.
Afterwards, they get a coffee. Lucie describes the troubled love life of her sister, Marion. Ariane feels an affinity for Marion, who is a charismatic, beautiful 40-year-old literature professor. Marion writes books on courtly love, gets invited to seminars, and has been married twice. After being deserted at the altar recently, Marion has embarked on a relationship with her second husband. Lucie claims this is bound to end in catastrophe. Lucie thinks Marion chases love to distract herself from real life, such as the cancer with which she has been dealing for the last 10 years. Ariane realizes that Lucie is “precise, opinionated, and prudish” (196).
When Ariane is not thinking about her husband—which she admittedly does 65% of her time—she likes to think of the three words that describe a person she knows, such as Lucie. The words have to capture the essence of a person. Ariane chooses the descriptors with careful thought: The words for her husband are charismatic, introverted, and contradictory. Her husband is introverted despite his sociable nature, because he comes to his decisions in solitude; he is contradictory because he wants the very things he disdains. For instance, he looks down upon Nicolas’s duplex apartment in the city and his finance job, but is also jealous of them.
Once, Ariane had asked her husband for the three words to describe her. He had used four: “[B]eautiful, very cold, in love, observant” (200). Ariane had protested that “in love” wasn’t a descriptor, but her husband had meant she was in love with the idea of love. This quality was a part of Ariane’s personality. The summation made Ariane very uncomfortable.
The best thing about children’s birthday parties is that they need to be organized only once every year. For Ariane, a child’s birthday party is a terrible experience, filled with chaos. On her daughter’s 8th birthday party, everyone coos over her husband’s involvement: He is the one who has baked the strawberry cake and decorated the house.
Ariane feels the other mothers judge her for not being a baker. She also feels left out when she sees that her husband has given their daughter wrapped-up colorful pencils. He has never made such an effort for Ariane, though he does plan vacations and dinners for her and him. When she learns her daughter wants to be a vet, she is taken by surprise. She realizes that she knows nothing about her own family.
The day gets worse when Ariane spots her husband talking to Lucie, staring intensely into her eyes. Ariane, who thinks she has had too much to drink, decides to get back at her husband. She finds Lucie’s husband Pierre and takes him to the upstairs bathroom. Ariane kisses Pierre, who is surprised at first, but then begins to respond. She and Pierre make desperate love against the window, Ariane regretting her indiscretion immediately after. She should have waited till the end of the day and written her grievances in her notebook. In any case, the day for affairs is Thursday, not Saturday.
When she goes downstairs, her husband gives her a sharp look, as if he knows what she has done. Ariane is wracked by anxiety, calculating the height of the second-floor bathroom window to determine whether her husband could have seen her from the garden.
After the party, Ariane and husband relax in the drawing room. Her husband does not ask her about Pierre at all, though Ariane continues to feel he saw her in the bathroom. Her husband seems to be in a happy mood and puts on classical music, which is a sign Ariane cannot decode. She knows that when he puts on French music he is in a great mood, and pop music means he is going to be insufferable. Ariane is excited to learn what the choice of classical music means when her daughter comes downstairs, saying her stomach is hurting.
Her daughter sits in her lap, and Ariane feels simultaneously annoyed and guilty for being annoyed. She gathers herself and carries her daughter to her room, giving her stomach medicine. Ariane lies down with the child and sings to her till the little girl dozes off. Ariane makes to leave the room, but her daughter calls out for her again. Ariane squeezes her daughter’s wrist and tells her to go to bed, “the gentle Mom mask … gone” (213). By the time she goes downstairs, her husband has turned off the music.
Ariane’s husband leans out of their bedroom window to unhook the shutters. Behind him, Ariane fantasizes about giving him a push so he falls to his death. She is sure no one would see her. At her husband’s funeral, Ariane would make a beautiful grieving widow, the black clothes complimenting her blond hair. She dismisses the fantasy and begins to cry.
In bed, her husband finally asks the reason for her tears. Ariane cannot tell him the truth that it is his indifference that is hurting her, so she says she is overwhelmed by work and family pressures. Ariane asks her husband to distract her by recounting their day from his perspective. As he narrates the day, Ariane soaks in every detail. Her husband’s version of events seems more concrete to her than her own.
After his story, they make love. This surprises Ariane, because her husband usually never touches her if she has been crying. Both times they have made love this week has been after Ariane’s infidelity; she suspects her husband senses her actions and is laying claim to her. Though he turns his back to her to sleep after they have had sex, Ariane can tell her husband is awake. She is seized by her itch. An hour later, her husband turns to her, kisses her, and asks if she is having trouble sleeping.
The narrative shifts back to where it began at the beginning of the novel: The Sunday morning when Ariane’s husband tells her that they need to have a talk. Ariane keeps a cold, beautiful façade in response to the words, but she is tormented on the inside. She is certain he plans to leave her and that she will die of what the Japanese call takotsubo, or broken-heart syndrome. The children sense her despair and ask her if she is alright. Ariane wants to tell them that she is not fine, that their father is going to abandon her, that soon he will sit down with the children and tell them that the separation is not their fault. She visualizes the chain of events without trouble because she has lived them in her head many times before.
Anyone would think from her reaction that her husband leaving her is Ariane’s biggest fear. However, her biggest fear is that when he leaves her, whether now or decades later, he will say that he spent a large chunk of his life with the woman who was not the one. Perhaps Ariane should be happy that her husband is leaving her sooner rather than later. He is course-correcting, rather than stay trapped in a loveless relationship.
Ariane feels relief that he is being decisive, the relief mitigating her pain. She reflects that she “lived several love stories” (230) before meeting her husband, behaving intensely in each. The only exception was with Adrien, her boyfriend before her husband. Adrien is the only man who loved her more than she loved him. Ariane did not feel sad at all with Adrien, but she felt little passion either. When she was torn between Adrien and her husband, she decided to go with the one she pursued. Now she wonders if she made the wrong choice.
Ariane dresses in white, the color of Sunday. She agonizes about her husband’s timing: Why leave her on a Sunday on this particular week in June? She wonders if he has found out about Maxime or Pierre, but then it strikes her that what he has discovered is far worse: Her husband has found one of her notebooks, the one which lists his offences and her corresponding punishments of him.
Ariane’s penalties run from not cuddling with her husband to moving his things, such as wallets and keys, so he thinks he forgot them. The habit of hiding his things began with a good intention: Ariane initially hid them so she had an excuse to bring them around to her husband’s office and thus meet him. However, since then, it has continued as a punishment. Ariane started keeping the punishment notebook two years ago, “with the aim of reestablishing equilibrium between [her] husband’s behavior and [her] own” (235). By punishing him, Ariane ensures that justice is served, and also that her resentment against her husband gets an outlet.
This week the offences and punishments have been particularly intense. For example, it was Ariane who hid her husband’s folder to confuse him. However, there are many crimes for which he has not been punished, such as his insistence that he and Ariane sleep in a shuttered room. Ariane has toyed with the idea of mildly poisoning her husband’s food with a laxative or a small dose of contaminant as vengeance for depriving her of a good night’s sleep for so many years.
The realization that her husband has found the incriminating notebook makes Ariane feel ill. She needs to get out of the house. Ariane tells her husband she has run out of her birth control pills and drives away. She drives around to calm herself, listening to the Supertramp CD, which she had stowed in the glove apartment a while ago as the soundtrack to play when her marriage ends. She cries as the song plays, simultaneously translating the lyrics to French. After the song ends, Ariane dries her tears and visits a pharmacy.
Dreading the “talk” with her husband in the evening, Ariane goes through the rest of the day in a haze. She makes mistakes, such as biting her tongue hard while eating chocolate and taking the wrong exit on a roundabout on her way to her in-laws’ house. Some mistakes are on purpose, such as burning herself while she cooks to see if she can still feel physical pain.
Ariane’s husband puts the children to bed, lingering in their room for longer than usual. She wonders if he is preparing them for the change that is about to hit their family. Ariane feels out of breath as she waits for him in bed.
After a protracted shower, Ariane’s husband sits next to her on the bed and grabs her hands. He seems to be at a loss for words, searching for the right thing to say. He finally finds his chain of thought and tells Ariane that he has been thinking about something important for a while. Since they’re both turning 40 this year, decisions have to be taken now or never. He asks Ariane if she would like to have a third child. Ariane is so struck with relief at her husband’s words that she says yes without thinking, kissing him in joy. This is what he wanted to talk to her about, not leaving her.
As they go to bed, Ariane promises to herself not to hide her husband’s things anymore. However, as he goes off to sleep, the obsessive itch spreads across her body once again.
This section is narrated from the first-person perspective of Ariane’s husband. He tells the reader that his game has been particularly good this week, as is obvious through Ariane’s notebook. He pushed Ariane’s buttons deliberately, knowing how worked up she would get over his actions. He especially appreciates how he told her he loved her in the middle of the night, only to deny it later. He stared at the pretty waitress at the restaurant to make Ariane jealous, and overlooked Ariane deliberately at Nicolas and Louise’s house to upset her. However, comparing her to a clementine was not meant to be offensive—he actually loves the sour little fruits.
Ariane’s husband knows all about her notebook. He also knows that he must keep the power dynamics in their relationship skewed to his advantage. The trick to maintaining the upper hand is that he changes his treatment of her from week to week, being cold and neglectful on some days and loving on others. Since he tormented her in so many ways from Monday to Saturday, he will be on his best behavior the next few days. He likes to keep Ariane guessing. Recently, he learnt about a male contraceptive that is easy to conceal: This gave him the idea of suggesting a third child to Ariane. To get her to agree to the child, he made sure she would be in a vulnerable emotional state.
Now they will try for a baby, but he will use the contraceptive secretly. They will not be able to conceive. Ariane will begin to think she is sterile or menopausal, fearing her husband will leave her for a younger woman. Then, when she is least expecting it, he will get Ariane pregnant. Although motherhood is not something Ariane enjoys, she does love their children, and will love the new baby too.
Ariane’s husband does not resent her for her lack of motherliness; he likes the fact that despite the children, he continues to be her favorite. Ariane has amplified her attempt to remain seductive for him after the babies, never giving up the wife role for that of the mother. Her husband appreciates that. As for the children, he makes up for Ariane’s lack of interest: “[M]y softness compensates for her coldness” (253).
Ariane’s husband loves her. He is not angry at her infidelities, as he knows the other men do not matter. He always makes love to her after her dalliances to mark his territory. He has always found her ethereally beautiful and complex, and cannot imagine a life apart from her. Still, he feigns indifference to her tears because he knows she is looking not for a shoulder to cry on, but a soulmate who torments her. It is because of his feigned coldness that their marriage still has passion after 13 years.
Of course, Ariane’s husband does not need to keep a notebook to play her. He does as he pleases without a code because he is in a comfortable position: He knows Ariane will do anything for him. No other woman will love him as much as his wife does, whose name, he reveals to the reader, is Ariane.
The last three sections of the novel constitute its climax, falling action, and twist ending. The Epilogue, which follows the seemingly happy denouement provided in “Sunday,” provides a late surprise that casts Ariane’s narration and her marital dynamics in a new light. “Saturday” makes it clear why Ariane has been dreading the worst for her marriage. Her apprehensions are grounded in guilt and her increasingly outrageous behavior. The extremes of Ariane’s actions create ambiguity around the issue of control and emotional abuse, calling into question whether it is Ariane or her husband who is doing most of the manipulating. This ambiguity prolongs the suspense about the motives of Ariane and her husband, building the mystery about their dynamics.
Ariane’s volatile emotions have been vacillating over the week, leading to the excesses of her daughter’s birthday party as she confronts The Oppressive Nature of Gendered Expectations. On the morning of the party, her husband talks to her casually as she showers, seemingly unaffected by Ariane’s nudity. He thus subtly implies that she is not desirable, priming her to feel insecure about her looks. Ariane’s discomfort around performing the role of an ideal, hospitable mother further exacerbates her anxiety. Significantly, she notes the double standards being shown at her daughter’s birthday party: Her husband is hailed for organizing it, but Ariane would not be similarly appreciated had she done so. Her jealousy and anger fuel her resentful thoughts of her daughter and drive her sexual affair with Pierre in the bathroom.
Another example of Ariane’s discomfort with the roles expected of her is her treatment of her daughter the night of the party. Ariane is angry at being kept away from her husband by her sick daughter, so drops the pretense of being a concerned mother and rudely warns her daughter to go back to sleep. While Ariane’s narration casts herself as a monstrous figure who sheds her “mom mask,” it is nevertheless Ariane, and not her husband, who goes up to put their daughter to bed. Her daughter also eagerly seeks her mother, which implies Ariane may not be as terrible a mother as she has come to believe. The narrative thus maintains a gap between Ariane’s telling and how others respond to her, indicating that Ariane may not see herself or others clearly.
At the end of the novel, her husband puts her out of her agony by finally having “the talk,” which anticlimactically turns out to be a discussion about having another child. Ariane’s reaction to the suggestions shows the extent of her husband’s manipulation as well as the tormented dynamics of their marriage: She is so relieved he is not leaving her that she immediately says yes, hugging him. However, the reader knows that Ariane’s enthusiastic response to having another child is inauthentic, since she has confessed her unease about motherhood. Sure enough, despite the cozy, domestic happy ending, Ariane feels her itch return, worse than ever, showing that the resolution is far from happy for her. She is trapped in an abusive, controlling marriage.
The Epilogue is narrated from the point of view of Ariane’s husband and provides the twisty postscript that upends the notion of a happy ending for Ariane, adding a new perspective of The Thin Line Between Love and Obsession. It also alters the depiction of Ariane’s world, since the reader now sees it from the perspective of another key character. The husband’s narration confirms the theory that the narrative has been foreshadowing all along: Ariane is not just oversensitive or paranoid, she actually is being controlled by her husband. Ariane’s portrayal of her husband as an indifferent, innocuous person is also shown to be erroneous, with the husband actually paying close attention to Ariane’s every action. Thus, Ariane’s obsessive love for her husband and desire to decode his actions have a tangible source: Ariane senses something is wrong, but cannot put her finger on it. That is why she dissects every aspect of her husband’s speech, action, and manner.
The husband’s narration establishes him as someone well-versed in playing power games. He declares, “after a particularly grueling week—a crescendo from Monday to Saturday—I have to ease up on her” (252). He alternates between treating Ariane poorly and lovingly so she stays invested in their marriage. Ariane endures the bad periods because she romanticizes the good spells. Ariane’s husband refers to her patronizingly in this section, calling her “my little wife” (251), and dismissing her crippling anxiety as getting worked up. He even justifies his manipulation of Ariane as something she has invited: If the husband does not keep Ariane guessing, she would get bored.
However, the most abusive aspect of Ariane’s husband’s manipulation is that he plans to systematically coerce her into a third pregnancy, playing on her fears around ageing and declining fertility. Thus, he uses his power as a husband and his social status as a man to exert control over Ariane, highlighting the gender dynamics that underpin their marriage.
As the novel ends, the husband reveals Ariane’s name to the reader. A possible reason why Ariane is named while he remains unnamed is that he is more secure about Ariane: Ariane does not name her husband both because she is insecure about their relationship and because he is larger- than-life for her. The husband views Ariane, whom he knows will never leave him, more pragmatically. Ariane is the French spelling for Ariadne, the Greek heroine who is trapped in a labyrinth. While Ariadne finds her way out, the irony is that Ariane may remain caught in the maze of her marriage.
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