62 pages 2 hours read

Sharon Creech

Moo: A Novel

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Essay Topics


Moo is structured as a mixture of poetry and prose. What does this mixture add to the experience of reading the book? How might it be different if Creech had chosen all poetry or all prose, and how does blended form speak to a wider audience?


One of the things that bothers Reena about both Zora and Mrs. Falala is their stubbornness. What causes her to characterize them as “stubborn”? Is this different from calling someone “determined”? Is Reena herself stubborn, or is she just determined?


The juxtaposition of Reena’s life in New York City with her life in Maine is meant to convey The Rewards of Rural Life. Are these two settings both portrayed fairly, or is Reena’s narration biased toward one or the other? What does your answer reveal about Reena’s character?

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