
What Is Litotes? Definition, Usage, and Literary Examples

Litotes Definition

Litotes (lie-TOH-tees) is an expression that affirms an idea by contradicting its negative. Though often used to convey positive thoughts, it can be used for negative thoughts as well. This figure of speech is more accessible and familiar than any definition could make it sound, but essentially, litotes is a lighter, less harsh version of verbal irony.

The word litotes comes from Latin via the Greek litos, meaning “plain,” and was first used in English in 1589.

Examples of Litotes

Here is a simple formula for creating litotes.

First, decide on the sentiment to convey; for example, “This coffee is very good.” Then, remove the adverb of degree—in this case, the adverb is very. The statement becomes “This coffee is good.” Next, negate it: “This coffee is not good.” Finally, swap out the adjective (good) for its antonym (bad). The new statement is “This coffee is not bad,” which still conveys the sentiment that the coffee is good without using those exact words.

Here are more examples:

  • “It’s not the nicest place to stay.” The speaker is describing a place with subpar accommodations.
  • “The films aren’t dissimilar.” The speaker means that the films have a lot in common.
  • “That wasn’t the worst sandwich I’d ever eaten.” The speaker is pleasantly surprised by the quality of the sandwich.
  • “Let’s just say you’re no Julia Child.” The speaker is gently insulting someone who prepared a meal for them.

Litotes and Other Figures of Speech

Litotes vs. Idioms

Idioms are culturally understood expressions with figurative or metaphorical meanings that differ from their literal meanings. Litotes sometimes appears in idioms. For example, to chide someone for overcomplicating a simple task, their friend might say, “It’s not rocket science.”

Litotes vs. Meiosis

These terms work a bit differently, though they achieve roughly the same end. Meiosis is an understatement used for dramatic emphasis. Saying excellent coffee is “pretty good” is meiosis; saying it’s “not bad” is litotes.

Why Writers Use Litotes

For such a specific literary device, litotes is surprisingly versatile. It can soften an inadvertent insult or turn a seemingly benign phrase into a barb. It’s also a useful tactic for description because, sometimes, saying what something isn’t can go a long way.

The problem with such a handy device is that people won’t automatically understand the intent, particularly since litotes can be ambiguous. Say someone is describing their acquaintance as “not poor.” The statement is either a soft way of saying they’re scraping by or a sarcastic way of describing their affluence. When spoken aloud, intent can be inferred from the speaker’s tone. With the written word, punctuation can help. An exclamation can tip readers off to the speaker’s positive mood, while an ellipsis could indicate a dismissive shrug or an eyeroll.

Further Resources on Litotes

This research article by Yin Yaun looks at the many uses of litotes in an ancient Chinese philosophy book called The Analects.

Martin Shovel wrote an exploration of litotes for The Guardian.