
51 pages 1 hour read

Catalina de Erauso

Lieutenant Nun

Catalina de ErausoNonfiction | Biography | Adult | Published in 1997

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Chapters 20-26Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary: “Her Entrance Into Guamanga, and What Happens to Her There up Until She Reveals Herself to the Senior Bishop”

In Guamanga, Erauso sold a soldier her horse and then explored the city. After a few days, she ended up in a gambling house, where a sheriff tried to arrest her for her crimes in Cuzco. She fought him off and fled to the house of an acquaintance. When she tried to flee from there, she ran into constables and began to fight them.

Several Basqueros began to help her before a bishop named Don Agustín de Carvajal arrived and got Erauso to surrender her weapons and go to his house. The bishop treated her kindly but kept her confined to her room until the next morning. At that point, he asked for her story, which she gave partially at first. However, after she felt a sudden calmness, she decided to confess to him that she was a woman. She described in full her adventures after leaving the convent. The bishop did not react much to this, but Erauso mentions that he had tears in his eyes. He then had her taken to an old chapel.

In the afternoon of that day, the bishop visited her again and urged her to make a confession. He stated that she was currently traveling a road that would lead to divine punishment, but God would help her.

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