how to ask for an extension

Communicating With Your Professor When You Need More Time

Maybe you started out the semester with the best of intentions, planning to stay on top of all of your work. But here you are, a month in, and you've got a week full of projects due and no time to spare. You're worried that you won't be able to finish one of your assignments on time, and the thought crosses your mind to ask your professor for a deadline extension. But is there any chance they'll actually approve your request? 

The good news is that many teachers are willing to do so—if you go about asking for one in the right way. Let's take a look at how to do so.

What Is an Extension?

So what exactly is an extension? In a basic sense, it means asking for more time to complete an assignment, beyond its original due date. An extension requires graciousness from your professor—who will be making an exception to their policies for your sake. It also implies a commitment from you: a promise that you'll use the extra days wisely to deliver a finished, quality assignment by the (new) submission deadline. 

That said, it's important that such a request be reasonable: You need a good reason for asking for one, and the amount of extra time you need shouldn't be excessive.

Why Should You Ask for an Extension?

When you have an assignment due and you are short on time, whether because you're overloaded, something's happened in your personal life, or just poor planning (hey, it happens!), what are your options? You could turn in a late submission and lose points, if it's even accepted. You can turn in unacceptable work and get a grade you aren't happy with. You could try to get everything done with no sleep and turn in sub-quality work (and possibly collapse from exhaustion). 

Because those options aren't great, you usually don't have anything to lose by asking for an extension, as long as your instructor has not explicitly stated that they never permit them. Whatever the valid reason for your request, oftentimes asking for an extension is a reasonable solution to a problem of time.  

How to Ask for an Extension: Step by Step

Step 1: Act Now

If you are thinking about asking for additional time, the sooner you do it, the better. Asking for one at the last minute doesn’t speak well to your ability to manage your schedule and might irritate your teacher. 

Step 2: Check Your Course Policies

But first, you should check the course's syllabus or website to see if your professor has any stated policies about extensions. Do they outright say that they never give them? Do they only give them in certain circumstances, like illness or a death in the family? Do they only consider extending deadlines if given a certain notice, like at least 48 hours before the due date? 

If your instructor has policies like this, pay attention to them. If they explicitly state they do not give extensions, then it's probably only worth asking for one in the case of an extreme, unplanned emergency.

Step 3: Write an Email to Your Professor

While it's often preferable to ask for an extension in person, like visiting your professor during their office hours, this isn't always possible. The next best thing is to write a brief email to your instructor as soon as possible. Here are a few things to consider:

Explain why you need the extension. 

  • Is it for a personal reason? For instance, are you behind schedule because of an illness, a personal crisis (like a family issue), or your job's schedule?
  • Is it for an academic reason? For example, do you have multiple major assignments from your classes due on the same day or in the same week? 
  • Is it because you procrastinated? If that's the case, then it's better to be truthful and just say so. Don't be tempted to lie to your teacher and make up an excuse. 

Keep it professional. 

There's no need to go overboard with personal details. Your professor doesn't need to know your exact temperature or how many boxes of Kleenex you've gone through if you're sick, they just need to know you're behind because of an illness. 

Provide a plan and new deadline.  

Will you be able to finish the assignment in one extra day, for instance, or do you need more time? 

It's better to be realistic about your time and not overpromise. If there's no chance you'll be able to finish an assignment in 24 hours, don't promise that. 

Accept responsibility when appropriate. 

You can't help it if you are sick or if there has been an unavoidable personal crisis. But if you're asking for an extension because you managed your time badly or because of something else that was in your control, acknowledge that fact. 

If this applies to you, let your instructor know that you'll take steps to avoid the problem in the future. For instance, you might say that you're going to start visiting your school's writing lab once a week to stay accountable and finish assignments by their deadline.

Thank your professor. 

Make sure to close your email by thanking them for considering your request, and let them know you understand if it is not possible. They will appreciate your humility and recognition that the decision is up to them. 

If your request is approved, make sure to thank your professor right away.

How to Increase the Chances of Approval

  • Ask as far ahead of the original deadline as possible.
  • Give a specific reason for your request, but don't go crazy with details.
  • Admit it if you need the extension because you planned poorly.
  • Provide new due date.
  • Offer a plan for how you will finish your work. 
  • Thank your professor for considering your request.

Sample Emails

Scenario 1 (An Overloaded Week)

Dear X,

I've been working on my draft for the English 102 essay, but this week has been really difficult for me. In addition to the essay due Thursday, I have a sociology exam on Monday, and my chemistry professor just bumped our midterm from next Tuesday to this Thursday. I'd planned to finish my essay on Tuesday and Wednesday and study for my exam over the weekend, but now I also need to study for my chemistry midterm earlier in the week. Would it be possible to have an extension for my essay to Friday at midnight?

I could really use the extra days to make the essay the best it can be while also balancing studying for my exams. Please let me know if you would like to meet during your office hours to discuss this further. I appreciate your consideration of my request. 


[Your name]

Scenario 2 (Illness)

Dear X, 

My name is [insert your name], and I am a student in your 1 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday Chemistry 110 class. I know that our next exam is this Thursday, and I've been studying regularly, including visiting the Science Learning Center on Mondays and Wednesdays for extra practice. However, I've been sick with the flu since Saturday and have fallen behind. Would it be possible to schedule a make-up exam for next Monday or Tuesday? I should be better by then and will use the extra days to be as prepared as I can be. I understand if this is just not possible, but I appreciate your consideration of my request. 


[Insert your name]

Scenario 3 (A Death in the Family)

Dear X, 

I am sorry to say that last night my Aunt Exene passed away suddenly. I am now traveling home to be with my family. I know that my Marketing 202 presentation is scheduled for Friday, but I will not be able to return to campus until Sunday, after the funeral. Is it possible to have an extension to early next week for my presentation? I will be able to give the presentation next Monday or Wednesday. I understand if this is just not possible, but I appreciate your consideration of my request. 


[Insert your name]

Scenario 4 (Procrastination)

Dear X, 

My name is [Insert your name], and I am a student in your Sociology 201 breakout session. I know that our take-home exam is due in two days, but I am wondering if I can have a short extension for the exam. I will be honest and say that I have simply procrastinated and fallen behind in preparing for the exam. However, this class is important to me, as a prospective sociology major, and I want the exam to reflect my best effort. 

Would it be possible for me to have an extra day for the exam? I have just signed up for the optional study group sessions and will be attending those moving forward so that I stay accountable and do not fall behind in the future. I understand if it is not possible, but I truly appreciate your consideration of my request. 


[Insert your name]

What to Do if Your Request Is Denied

In the best case scenario, your request will be approved right away, you'll thank your professor, you'll get the work done by the new deadline, and all will be right with the world. But there's always a chance that your instructor will deny your request. 

If that happens, the best thing to do is to accept it and respect their decision. Complaining will not help the situation and will probably irritate your teacher. If your request is denied, thank your professor again for considering. Do the best you can with the assignment and focus on the future. It's only one assignment, after all, and life will go on. 

The exception is if you are asking for an extension for a very serious extenuating circumstance, such as a death in your immediate family or a severe injury or illness. These kinds of situations are often handled differently. If you truly need more leeway for a very serious reason and your instructor will not compromise, consider talking to an academic support office.

Depending on your school, this might be a Dean of Students office, your academic advisor, a counseling center, or a similar office. If you are going through a serious personal situation, it's a good idea to be in touch with this office anyway so they can provide support.