
67 pages 2 hours read

Susan Vreeland

Girl In Hyacinth Blue

Fiction | Novel | Adult

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Reading Context

Use these questions or activities to help gauge students’ familiarity with and spark their interest in the context of the work, giving them an entry point into the text itself.

Short Answer

The Netherlands is a European country bordering Belgium and Germany. It is made up of several low-lying regions including Holland. Referencing a map of The Netherlands, consider how geography may have shaped the history of this country since the early Renaissance. In particular, what were some of the notable historical events that this region experienced from the 14th century onwards? How might these historical events have impacted the Dutch people? Explain.

Teaching Suggestion: With this question, students have a chance to reflect on the ways that events in world history affected the internal history of smaller regions like The Netherlands. For example, The Netherlands was greatly affected by their occupation by Spain in the 17th century as well as the Nazi occupation during World War II. The narrative is told in reverse chronology, but the time period of focus starts in the 17th century during the Golden Age of Dutch Art and the expansion of the Dutch Empire colonies in Africa and Asia. As the narrative indicates the passage of time, the painting remains a unifying force of beauty and awe for subsequent generations.

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