42 pages 1 hour read

Ben Mikaelsen

Ghost Of Spirit Bear

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2008

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Transforming One’s Inner and Outer Reality

Content Warning: This section mentions death by suicide, bullying, and gang violence.

Change is the most prominent force in the novel. Ben Mikaelsen shows that it is a complex process that starts with the self, not the external world. For example, Cole learns that by controlling and altering his inner reality, he can influence the world around him. Before Cole can hope to effect change and stop bullying at his school, he must harness the remains of the “monster” that lies dormant inside him. As Garvey explains to Cole: “You’ve changed, but you have to decide what you’re going to do around people who haven’t changed” (34).

Although Cole experienced a major personal transformation on the island, he has to return to a world that has not. He must find new and creative ways to address long-standing, serious issues—issues that not even the school board seems willing to solve. Maintaining his inner peace proved easy on the island, especially now that he’s surrounded by chaos and violence. Ultimately, Cole learns that he cannot control what others do or think. However, he can control how he reacts, which may inspire an alternative response. Garvey tells Cole to fight with his heart rather than his fists or the threat of punishment, and tasks Cole with figuring out what that means.

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