
93 pages 3 hours read

Margaret Peterson Haddix


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. C (Various chapters)

2. B (Various chapters)

3. C (Various chapters)

4. D (Chapter 29)

5. A (Various chapters)

6. D (Chapters 31-32)

7. B (Various chapters)

8. C (Various chapters)

9. D (Various chapters)

10. A (Chapter 28)

11. D (Various chapters)

12. C (Various chapters)

Long Answer

1. Jonah’s parents demonstrate their love by listening to him. They also respect his needs as he processes his adoption. When they learn about Reardon, for example, they ask if Jonah wants a meeting, and when he says yes, they arrange it and go with him. They follow that process when they learn of the adoption conference too. (Various chapters)

2. Jonah and Katherine demonstrate their willingness to help others throughout the novel. Katherine, in particular, helps Chip investigate even though she is not one of the names on the list. She also stays with Chip and Jonah at the conference, putting herself in danger for no personal gain. Jonah steps up as a leader in the cave, making decisions and fighting back against Hodge and Gary. Ultimately, their decision to fight for all the children and thus stay with Chip and Alex seems firmly rooted in their desire for justice and kindness.

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