
93 pages 3 hours read

Margaret Peterson Haddix


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Discussion/Analysis Prompt

In the cave, JB, Hodge, and Gary finally explain their approaches to time travel and decisions about whom to help. Evaluate the soundness of their reasoning. If you were their boss, how would you evaluate their work? Utilize these points to help you formulate a response.

  • What decisions have they made about time travel?
  • What criteria do the characters use to determine who they help and how?
  • How fair are their criteria to you?
  • What additional factors would you consider in their evaluations?
  • How do Jonah and other children seem to feel about how time-travel technology is used?

Teaching Suggestion: Rereading some of the debate in the cave (Chapters 27-33) could help focus this discussion. Also, brainstorming as a class a list of possible criteria to use before asking students to develop their ideas might lead to more in-depth analysis. It might also help the class to discuss benefits to the group versus individual rights since that comes up, especially with JB’s argument that the children should go back in time.

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