58 pages 1 hour read

Henry Wood

East Lynne

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1861

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Part 3, Chapters 39-51Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3, Chapter 39 Summary: “Stalkenberg”

Isabel, now going by the name Madame Vine, is working for an English family traveling abroad that employs her as the governess to their daughter, Helena Crosby. Helena has just become engaged, and Isabel’s services are no longer needed. Isabel is now unrecognizable due to a change in height (resulting from injuries in the accident), scars on her face, gray hair, and her use of colored glasses; even when she has encountered people who previously knew her, no one has recognized her. Coincidentally, Afy is in the same German town as Isabel because she is traveling with her employer. When Afy runs into Isabel, Isabel takes the opportunity to ask about East Lynne: She learns that Archibald and Barbara have married and that her own second child (William) is in ill health. Barbara has also given birth to a son.

Afy’s employer, hearing that Isabel is soon going to be without a job, suggests that Isabel work as a governess at East Lynne since Archibald and Barbara are currently looking for a woman to fill that position. Isabel hesitates but is desperate to see her children again, so she agrees to take the position.

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