Our Short Poems Collection highlights the power of poetry through titles that make an impact in few words. These bite-sized selections offer a convenient starting place for readers new to analyzing poetry or anyone who appreciates short-form verse and its ability to move and inspire.
Publication year 1609
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Values/Ideas: Good & Evil, Emotions/Behavior: Love, Identity: Sexuality, Emotions/Behavior: Regret
Tags Lyric Poem, Love / Sexuality
Publication year 1609
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Gratitude, Emotions/Behavior: Love, Values/Ideas: Beauty, Values/Ideas: Truth & Lies
Tags Lyric Poem, Play: Comedy / Satire, Relationships, Love / Sexuality
William Shakespeare is the author of “Sonnet 130.” The sonnet is one of 154 sonnets that Shakespeare published in 1609 under the title Shakes-spears Sonnets. The first 126 sonnets address a young man, while Sonnets 127-152 focus on a mysterious woman. As with “Sonnet 130,” the sonnets about the enigmatic woman concern ideas of love and beauty and directly undercut typical representations of both. Thus, “Sonnet 130” is satire; it makes fun of how adored... Read Sonnet 130 Summary
Publication year 1599
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Love, Values/Ideas: Truth & Lies, Emotions/Behavior: Shame & Pride
Tags Lyric Poem, Relationships
Publication year 1609
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Love, Values/Ideas: Beauty, Natural World: Environment
Tags Romance, Arts / Culture, Elizabethan Era
William Shakespeare is the best-known author of the English Renaissance—also known as the Early Modern Period and the Elizabethan Age. Though readers’ attention tends to be more riveted toward his plays, Shakespeare published 154 sonnets during his exceptionally prolific career, in addition to the longer-form poems Venus and Adonis (1593), The Rape of Lucrece (1594), and The Phoenix and the Turtle (1601). Fifteen editions of Venus and Adonis—a poem in the form of 199 six-line... Read Sonnet 18 Summary
Publication year 1330
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Love, Values/Ideas: Beauty, Emotions/Behavior: Conflict
Tags Lyric Poem, Renaissance
Publication year 1609
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Love, Emotions/Behavior: Grief
Tags Lyric Poem, Depression / Suicide, Love / Sexuality, Elizabethan Era, History: World, Classic Fiction
Publication year 1609
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Memory, Life/Time: Mortality & Death, Values/Ideas: Beauty
Tags Classic Fiction, Elizabethan Era, Lyric Poem, Religion / Spirituality, Relationships
“Sonnet 55” (1609) is an English love sonnet by renowned poet William Shakespeare (1564-1616). The sonnet is part of Shakespeare’s Fair Youth sonnet sequence, which makes up the first 126 of his sonnets. This sonnet follows a number of the Fair Youth sonnets in the way it praises the fair youth’s beauty and claims his beauty is eternal. In this sonnet specifically, Shakespeare claims that the subject’s beauty will outlive all monuments of princes and... Read Sonnet 55 Summary
Publication year 1609
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Life/Time: Mortality & Death, Natural World: Environment, Values/Ideas: Beauty
Tags Lyric Poem, Classic Fiction
Publication year 1609
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Life/Time: Aging, Life/Time: Mortality & Death
Tags Lyric Poem, Elizabethan Era
Publication year 1609
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Love, Life/Time: Childhood & Youth, Emotions/Behavior: Conflict, Emotions/Behavior: Determination / Perseverance, Emotions/Behavior: Apathy, Emotions/Behavior: Hope
Tags Relationships
Publication year 2011
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Love, Values/Ideas: Beauty, Life/Time: Mortality & Death
Tags Lyric Poem, Grief / Death, Animals, Philosophy, American Literature
Publication year 1980
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Natural World: Environment
Tags American Literature, Agriculture
Publication year 2002
Genre Poem, Fiction
Tags Lyric Poem, Inspirational
Publication year 1991
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Life/Time: Aging, Life/Time: Childhood & Youth
Tags Inspirational
Publication year 1921
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Life/Time: Mortality & Death, Natural World: Nurture v. Nature
Tags Lyric Poem, Free verse
Publication year 1923
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Values/Ideas: Order & Chaos, Emotions/Behavior: Determination / Perseverance, Emotions/Behavior: Gratitude, Emotions/Behavior: Hope, Values/Ideas: Beauty
Tags Science / Nature, Education, Education, History: U.S., American Literature, History: World, Classic Fiction
Publication year 1918
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Life/Time: Childhood & Youth, Life/Time: Mortality & Death
Tags Lyric Poem, History: World
Publication year 1923
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Natural World: Nurture v. Nature, Life/Time: Coming of Age
Tags Free verse
Publication year 1855
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Values/Ideas: Religion & Spirituality
Tags Lyric Poem, Religion / Spirituality, Victorian Period
Matthew Arnold’s “Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse” takes its name from a seventeenth-century monastery in Grenoble in the French Alps, famous as the headquarters of the Carthusian order of Catholic monks. Arnold wrote this philosophical poem after visiting the monastery in the early 1850s. Comprised of thirty-five stanzas, each of which contains six lines of iambic tetrameter verse set to an “ABABCC” rhyme scheme, the poem is one of the better-known examples of Arnold’s early poetry... Read Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse Summary
Publication year 1977
Genre Poem, Fiction
Themes Emotions/Behavior: Determination / Perseverance, Identity: Race
Tags Inspirational, Lyric Poem, Race / Racism, Women's Studies (Nonfiction), Gender / Feminism, American Literature, Classic Fiction
Maya Angelou was an American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist whose career spanned over 50 years. She published seven autobiographies, several books of poetry, and three essay collections and wrote plays, movies, and television shows. Her widely acclaimed work has received numerous awards, and Angelou has received over 50 honorary degrees. Her best known work is her first autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sing, which focuses on her childhood up to the... Read Still I Rise Summary