
53 pages 1 hour read

Stacia Stark

A Court This Cruel and Lovely

Stacia StarkFiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Symbols & Motifs

Prisca’s Power

Prisca’s ability to freeze time is an intrinsic part of her character and introduces The Implications of Identity and Heritage. This magical power has been passed down through her family, and her possession of it means that she is the heir to the lost hybrid kingdom, as only those with time magic can inherit the throne. Her magical talents are therefore a manifestation of her birthright, history, and legacy. As a result, she finds herself positioned as a crucial element to improve the fate of her people. However, this legacy also serves as a burden. Prisca is often pushed to the brink when using her power, bleeding from her nose and feeling as though her body is falling apart under the strain. Her time-stopping ability is therefore representative of the sacrifices she must make to save her people.

However, Prisca’s ability to stop time also symbolizes her desire to exert control upon a chaotic world that shifts treacherously around her and is filled with danger, betrayal, and uncertainty. In this way, her power is also tied to The Struggle Against Oppression. Throughout the novel, she is often at the mercy of forces beyond her control: the rule of blurred text
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